Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: September 12, 1974 Why on earth would someone – anyone – destroy warning signs and barricades? “Destruction of Warning Reflectors Could Cause Death or Disablement” “What could have been a near tragedy occurred Monday night two miles northeast of Manteno. Bill Fullerton’s car caromed off a huge pile of…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Beecher Herald: September 5, 1974 “Assessed Valuations Up Nearly $1Million” “The township board met Tuesday night, September 3, at the Community Hall. In addition to the routine paying of bills, the following was discussed briefly: There will have to be a township election in Beecher next spring to elect one member…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: August 22, 1974 Here’s a look at What a day; try explaining this…”Hole-in-One (?) Tallied by Harvey” “The 130-yard hole at the Manteno Municipal Golf Curse yielded to one of the area’s old-time swingers Monday afternoon when Clyde Harvey hit a four wood onto the green and right into…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: August 29, 1974 “Millions Read of Gingham Square” “A Manteno business was exposed to the eyes of a million or so potential customers last week, as the Gingham Square Gift Shop was featured in a Chicago newspaper article. The story described Kankakee and its environs as follows: ‘This sleepy…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Crete Record: August 15, 1974 “Environmental Assessment Wins High Marks at Hearing” “The environmental impact of proposed improvements to the Sanitary District of Bloom Township (SDBT) won unanimous praise and approve Monday night at a public hearing. Hearing officer B.G. Cunningham conducted the formal hearing for the DSBT at the Holliday…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Peotone Vedette: August 9, 1974 “Anatomy of a Near Disaster” “By Audrey DeMuth August 4 was a peaceful Sunday in Peotone; it was like any other midsummer evening. A long freight was lumbering through town on the Illinois Central Gulf tracks heading for New Orleans. Just at the south edge of…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Peotone Vedette: August 2, 1974 Here were the headlines for the August 2 edition of The Peotone Vedette: “Hank Williams Jr. to Star in 1974 Will County Fair,” “Register for School August 15-16 in 207-U,” and “Caucus to Fill Quigley Seat.” Regarding the Quigley seat on the Will County Board…”Wayne Lehnert,…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: July 25, 1974 “…As We See It…That Vacation” “This is the time of year to remind yourself a summer vacation can be as tiring as any event of the year – and as dangerous. The energy crunch, thankfully, has lessened the death toll on our highways but, in many…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: July 18, 1974 “West Siders Petition Village to Prevent Two-Family Use” “A petition signed by 55 residents of Manteno’s west side was presented at Monday night’s village board meeting protesting the advertisement of a home, for sale in Westend Subdivision, as suitable for a second resident with a separate…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Crete Record: July 11, 1974 Finally after several weeks, the Holiday Theatre ad was back, and the theatre was showing “Herbie Rides Again.” Apparently, they also were featuring a promotion, as patrons could win free movie passes for guessing the number of balloons inside a “Herbie” car, courtesy of Cole Volkswagen,…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Peotone Vedette: July 5, 1974 It was summer; it was hot, and Peotone did not have a swimming pool, but they did have Shores of Killarney, on Rt. 45 and the Peotone-Wilmington Road. According to the article, Red Cross instructors and aides would teach beginners, advanced beginners, intermediate, and swimmer’s classes,…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Peotone Vedette: June 28, 1974 The front page of this edition featured more information about the village’s flood control issues, plus long-time residents and businessmen Bill Tucker and Dr. Ignelzi were retiring. “Village Board Considers Flood Control Ordinance” “Excess water and what to do with it again dominated the discussion at…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: June 20, 2024 “Manteno Area Chamber of Commerce Installs New Officers” “Cannon to head group for 1974 – ’75.” “A capacity crowd jammed the Manteno American Legion Home on Thursday evening of last week to witness the installation of Carl Cannon as the new president of the Manteno Chamber…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: June 13, 1974 Oops – even the best of plans can go awry, and that was the case for the grand opening of the Municipal Golf Course. According to the paper: “Extensive preparations had been made to make the day a gala affair, but the weatherman refused to cooperate.…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Peotone Vedette: June 7, 1974 “Peotone American Legion Award Winners” “Sally Daum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Daum, and Randall Fleck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fleck, both of Peotone, were presented the American Legion Awards at the high school graduation on Sunday. LaDonna Reed and John McCaslin IV…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Peotone Vedette: May 31, 1974 “Class of 1974 to Graduate Sunday” “The Class of 1974 of Peotone High School will receive their diplomas in ceremonies Sunday at 3 p.m. in the high school gym. The valedictorian address will be given by Cheryl Lynn Hay and the salutatorian address by Alice Jane…
Looking Back
By Arline Adamsick The Manteno News: May 23, 1974 Here’s what was featured on the front page of The News that week…topics sound a bit familiar? “Legion Auxiliary Plans Annual Sale of Poppies,” with Legion Auxiliary members stationed around town on Friday and Saturday, to collect and distribute the red flowers. Monies collected would be…